
Saturday, 22 April 2017

Earth Day Challenge

Blogville Earth Day Challenge

Happy Saturday everybuddy, and Happy Earth Day.
To celebrate Earth Day some of our Blogville residents pawticipated in the Earth Day challenge. All of the entries are posted on the Blogville Arts and Entertainment Depawtment website. Do come and take a look, whether you entered or not.  

This was my entry:

Fur my entry I decided to call attention to the wilder anipals that live among us. Fur example, in my 'hood we have a grrreat many raccoons. Rumor has it that if given the chance, they will eat little white dogs (like me). This is why we never feed them or encourage them to hang around our house. At the same time, we respect them and recognize their right to live. We want to coexist in peace!

 My brother, the kitty Hazuzu, didn't enter this challenge because he was too busy earning all kinds of badges fur Cat Scouts. It's like he's obsessed!

Thank you once again to all of our Blogville furends who support the Arts and Entertainment Department, whether it is by direct pawticipation or by your encouragement. You are all wonderfur!

Thanks especially to Jakey, Director of Artistic Development. Jakey is one smart dog!

Jakey loves to share his technical skills.

Have a wonderfur Earth Day weekend!

Louis Dog Armstrong
Director: Blogville Arts and Entertainment


  1. Yikes! Definitely don't leave food outside and encourage the coons to visit! Happy Earth Day, Louis!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh Louis, I hang my head in shame, for life got complicated this side and I did not get round to an Earth post... but I surely do support all things pawsitive for reducing our impact on the mother planet and am myself a 'light liver'. Lovin' your work dear doglet! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. SHE had a pet raccoon as a kid. So SHE has a soft spot for them.

  4. What a wonderful event! We are sorry our mom did not get it together in time. We might have to fire her! Happy Earth Day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. I've never seen a raccoon around my yard. But ghostwriter sees them all the time when she drives home on the country roads at night after work. Be careful of them, little Louis!

  6. It is nice of you to think of the raccoons. Earth day means all creatures, great and small.

  7. You are one smart dog, Louis. When you live in a city environment, you absolutely cannot fee the wildlife. It's not good for them or us! Happy Earth Day 🌎


Woof your comments to me. I read every one of them!