Most of my readers know that I have my own kitty. Actually, he is more like a brother. Today I will tell you about him. I think that writing about the kitty is a grrreat Caturday thing to do.
This is my brother-kitty |
My kitty's name is
Hazuzu. Hazuzu is four years old in human years.
Autumn (who was our beloved girl-person and who crossed the Rainbow Bridge three years ago when she was just 17) and Eric (Autumn's brother who still lives with Mimi) named Hazuzu after the Professor's pet gargoyle in the TV show Futurama. Mimi wanted to call him Jupiter but she was outvoted. Anypaw, the name Hazuzu suits him.
Hazuzu is big and orange |
Hazuzu is a lot bigger than I am, but we got him when he was just a little kitten and I was already grown up. I protected him when he was a baby, and I also herded him. For example, I always stopped him from scratching the furniture, and i still do, even though he is much bigger than me. The kitty listens to me and does what I say!
We never hurt each other. Hazuzu has never scratched me and I would protect him with my life if I had to.
Once when my furriend Buddy tried to chase Hazuzu, I went after Buddy! Even though Buddy is my good furriend!
I like to take Hazuzu for walks. |
Hazuzu is different from other cats because he has a disability. He can't make sounds. He can't purr, hiss, meaow, or make any of the other sounds that cats make. He never could.
Hazuzu is allowed to go out while the sun is out. After dark he stays inside with the rest of us. This is because there are a lot of coyotes and raccoons in our 'hood. He is safer indoors.
Another thing about Hazuzu is that he is a champion mouser. He brings mice and birds to the door. Mimi says it's too bad for the birds, but he is just being a cat. She tried the bell around his neck but somebody told her that he could get caught under a bush with it. since he can't meaow to let us know if he is in trouble, she lets him go free all day long. He comes in a lot to sleep and eat, but he loves it outside, especially in the summertime.
Tea time with Hazuzu! |
I hope you liked getting to know my kitty. We think he is magnificent and that he looks like a lion.
Until Next Time,
From Vancouver,
Louis Dog Armstrong
Louis the Blogging Dog