Befur I get into the dangerous goings-on on our patio today I want to thank everybuddy who sent in submissions fur the May Blogville Arts and Entertainment challenge. The title is "Stories we Love".
The dead lion is today (May 20th) but I am extending it fur 24 hours, until the end of May 21st, because I was not able to blog fur the past week, so I couldn't sent out the reminders.
If you planned to enter but furgot, or if you didn't know about it, there is still time!
The details about the challenge are at the very end of this blog post.
Now fur the danger on our patio!
You know how much I hate the vacuum monster. I try to kill it whenever I can. Well now there is something even more disturbing. It is a home security nightmare and it has to do with Eric, who I live with and who is usually a reasonable peep. Fur some reason, pawever, today he is not his usual self.
The furst thing Eric did this morning seemed harmless enough. He moved all of Mimi's planters and the barbeque into the middle of the patio floor.
Then he got out a crazy contraption that he attached to a water hose and he plugged it in. So far, so good. I just stood by because it's my job to know what is going on.
The next thing that happened was shocking. It brought all of my instincts to the surface.
Well the thing made a noise louder than the vacuum and it squirted water that started to move stuff around. I had to attack it. Eric was in danger from the stupid thing.
Eric with the power monster |
I did my best to attack the monster! |
The very next thing that happened is that the noise stopped. Eric scooped me up and carried me into the house. He closed the patio window, locking me inside. All I could do was bark, even though he needed me to save him from the monster.
Why do they put me in charge of home security and then prevent me from doing my job?
I will never understand these peeps, but I love them just the same.
Now fur the infurmation about the May challenge:
Stories we Love
In this challenge we share stories we love.
What you Do:
1. Choose a story you love. The only criteria fur a story is that it must include an animal, bird, fish, reptile or other non-human living being. The non-human need not be the main character.
2. Your story can be a poem, book, folk tale, movie, song or anything else that could be considered to be a story. It could be a story you have made up or one that you heard around a campfire. The wide-open choice is yours.
3. Write some words about the story and why you like it.
4. Include two photos: one of yourself and one that somehow relates too the story you have chosen.
The photo depicting the story can be the book cover, film poster, a picture of something like what is in the story, an author, or anything else that relates. Please send photos in jpeg format. Louis has troubles with anything else.
5. Include the URL to your blog site as well as the name of your blog so Louis can link your submission to your site.
6. Send your entries to Louis at louisbloggingdog(at)gmail(dot)com.
7. Dead Lion fur entries is May 21, 2017. They will be published on the Blogville Arts and Entertainment website on May 25th.
Everybuddy who enters will receive a cool badge.
Dead Lion extended to May 21st! |
Well my furends, that is all fur today.
From sunny Vancouver, Canada,
this is
Louis Dog Armstrong